1. What is Jesus Calls?
Jesus Calls is a ministry with a mission to pray for brokenhearted and bring healing to them individually and to the masses through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
2. Who is Dr. Paul Dhinakaran?
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran is a dynamic personality filled with God's grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thousands of people come to hear his words of comfort and receive the blessings and deliverance from God. He serves as the President of Jesus Calls International and the Chancellor of Karunya University.
3. Which denomination does Jesus Calls belong to?
Jesus Calls is a non-denominational ministry organization. We believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ God's only Son, and in the person of the Holy Spirit.
4. Is this a church? Do you have a church?
Jesus Calls is not a church, and the ministry does not have a church anywhere in the world. The ministry operates numerous Prayer Towers all across the globe where prayer intercessors pray for people at all times (24X7) and in special blessing meetings every week.
5. Is Jesus Calls only for Christians? / I am not a Christian will you pray for me?
Jesus Calls is open to people of all religions. We will pray for everyone who contacts us for prayer. All these services are provided free of charge.
6. I have a desperate situation, where can I get help?
You can call the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and a prayer intercessor will pray for you and your needs. Together we will expect a miracle from God.
7. How may I contact the Prayer Tower for prayers?
You can call the Dallas Prayer Tower:
US & North America +1-855-537-8722 (or) 1-855-JESUS CALLS
If in Canada, the Canada Prayer Tower:
Canada 1-416-385-7677 or 1- 855-522-7729
Call any time day or night for prayer support.
8. Do I have to pay to receive prayer? Will you pray for me only if I donate money?
No, prayers will be offered without charge for everyone who calls or visits our Prayer Towers. We pray for all those who contact us without any expectation or monetary gain. All these services are free of cost. We pray out of compassion in the love of Jesus Christ.
9. How do I send my prayer request to Dr. Paul?
You can send your prayer request to Dr. Paul either through email or send it by mail to:
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
Jesus Calls International
8855 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75247
You may also submit prayer requests through the online form available here at the Jesus Calls website by Clicking Here
10. How can I donate / contribute to Jesus Calls?
You can send your donations to Jesus Calls by mail to
Jesus Calls International
8855 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75247
You may also donate online through our secure website.
11. Can I meet Dr. Paul?
You can meet Dr. Paul based on his availability. Please check the events schedule. When in Dallas, Dr. Paul will personal pray for all your needs every friday night after the 7pm Blessing Meeting. Please email [email protected] for further assistance.
12. I need Dr. Paul's prayers as I make a critical decision in my life. Can he help me?
You can send your request to Dr. Paul either through email or send it by mail to:
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
Jesus Calls International
8855 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75247
He will prayerfully read your request, pray, and reply with a word from the Lord. You may also submit prayer requests through online form available here.
13. I would like to share my problems personally with one of the Dhinakarans. Is this possible?
You can meet one of the Dhinakaran family members based on their availability. Please check the event calendar online. They are more than happy to listen and pray for your needs. Please email [email protected] to schedule a time.
14. I need some books, CDs, or DVDs. How may I order?
a) You may visit any one of our prayer towers and acquire the desired book or media item from our library or book stall.
b) Order Online through our secure website.
15. Where can I learn of the Jesus Calls TV program air schedule?
Please click on the link for our media air schedule click here.
16. How might I share my testimony?
You can share your testimony on our testimony page and we would be very glad to consider your testimony for publication for the edification and blessing of others.
17. I am donor and associated with Jesus Calls, but I have some questions. Who should I contact?
You can call our Toll Free number 1-855-537-8722 regarding your questions.
18. What are the facets of Jesus Calls ministry?
Jesus Calls reaches millions of people through different ways and activities. The ministry's many facets, projects, and outreaches are described in detail here on our website and in the ministry's monthly magazine.
19. I want to donate to specific facet of the Jesus Calls ministry. How might I do that?
You can donate to any specific facet of your choice. For more information please call our toll free number 1-855-537-8722 or visit our website.
20. May I donate to the poor through Jesus Calls?
You may send your donation and mention that it is for the poor. You may also send your donations to the attention of SEESHA, which supports the poor and needy in society.
21. May I donate in kind?
Yes you may. Equivalent amount for your gift in kind will be credited as your contribution to Jesus Calls and will be duly acknowledged.
22. How may I become associated with Jesus Calls? I would like to partner with you.
You may support us with your prayers, your attendance at blessing services, prayer festivals, missions trips, and other events, and through your financial contributions.
23. I want to help Jesus Calls as a volunteer, whom should I contact?
If you want to help us, as a volunteer either full time or part time, please send your complete information to:
Human Resources Department
Jesus Calls International
8855 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75247
24. How can I become a Prayer Intercessor?
If you have a passion to pray for people and a sound biblical knowledge and would like to be considered for employment as a part time or full time prayer intercessor, please send your resume to:
Human Resources Department
Jesus Calls International
8855 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75247
25. May I work at Jesus Calls?
We are looking for dynamic people who are committed to serve the Lord in various areas of operations. The compensation will be based on your education and experience. If you are interested to have a career with Jesus Calls, please send your recent resume to:
Resources Department
Calls International
8855 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75247
26. I would like to organize a prayer festival with the Dhinakarans as speakers. What should I do?
If you would like to organize a large scale meeting, please send your plans and proposal to the following....
For USA & International Meetings: [email protected]
For meetings in India: [email protected]
27. What is Karunya University?
Karunya University was established by the Dhinakarans to raise leaders and professionals such as biblical Daniels, Josephs, and Esthers; who will occupy high positions in the society, government, and in business. For more information about Karunya University please visit www.karunya.edu
28. I want to know about Seesha / What is SEESHA?
SEESHA is nonprofit organization founded by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to uplift the less privileged people of society. It is committed to serving the poor and needy. SEESHA provides support for the destitute, widows, and less fortunate children in their education. It also provides financial support for the underserved, and provides rehabilitation and health care through SEESHA Community Hospital in India. For more information about SEESHA please visit www.seesha.org