Apart from this, there is an open door through DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA to take the good news and His miracle working power to the nations of the world .
Who will join hands with us and send the Dhinakarans? Will YOU?
On October 12, 1970, in an auditorium in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran delivered a message in a meeting and prayed for the people. In 2022, the public meeting ministry of ‘Jesus Calls’ has completed 52 years.
When the Lord Jesus ministered in this world, multitudes of people came to Him to hear His teachings and seek divine healing and deliverance. Similarly, the Jesus Calls public meetings have been a blessing to multitudes. Initially, it started with hundreds of people attending the meetings, which grew to tens of thousands, and now millions are touched across the globe.
Sister Stella Dhinakaran, following Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran also started preaching God’s message in ‘Jesus Calls’ meetings in 1974. On August 13, 1980, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran first shared his testimony in a public meeting held at Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu), and on April 28, 1982, in a Jesus Calls pubic meeting at Virudhunagar, I gave my first message. ever since the Lord has been filling him with His Holy Spirit and using him powerfully. Since 1990, Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran has been preaching God’s message and praying for people. God does great miracles hearing her prayers. Samuel Dhinakaran, Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola actively participate in all the prayer festivals. They conduct worship sessions, preach & pray. God works miracles through them. They also minister in UTurn meetings which are exclusively for youngsters.
A Festival of Faith
'Jesus Calls' prayer festivals proclaim the gospel based on the scripture "Your sorrow will be turned into joy" (John 16:20).
"Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel." (Matthew 15:30,31)
God controls nature when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prays. In June 1987, at an afternoon meeting in Udhagamandalam (Tamil Nadu), Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was about to share God’s message. But it started raining. However, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed with the multitude in faith, the Lord was moved and miraculously stopped the rain. This has happened in several meetings ever since and rain has come to cities and villages in draught in answer to his prays to the Lord Jesus. Everyone who had seen this knew that the God who answered prayer was there, and as faith rose in their hearts towards Jesus, they surrendered their life to Him in thousands.
The Holy Spirit calls people by name through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & mentions their needs as He would answer them. In 1994, a 'Jesus Calls' Prayer Festival was held from the 2nd to the 6th of February in Alappuzha, Kerala. At that meeting for the first time, the Holy Spirit called people by name through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, and blessed them. This has continued ever since.
In particular, in April 2012, around 500 thousand (5 Lakhs) people gathered in search of the Lord Jesus in the prayer festival held in Gujarat.
Those who have not heard the good news of the Lord Jesus in their lifetime get an opportunity to hear it through 'Jesus Calls' Prayer Festivals. People's faith has been strengthened as they witnessed the miracles in the meetings and the amazing testimonies that were raised thereof.
The Gospel going to all Nations
The happenings of ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer festival from any city in India, is telecast through leading TV Channels live & webcast live through the Internet and social media. As a result, people in all parts of the world hear God’s message and get blessings. Once as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was ministering in a city in India, he mentioned a person's name and said that God was healing her of a migraine through the live webcast that Sister was watching that prayer in New York, USA. At that very moment, the power of God fell upon her, and she felt it physically. She was absolutely healed.
Arrangements and Requirements of Prayer Festivals
Event Management: Each Prayer Festival is organized and managed by a local committee from that city consisting of reputable persons from all Churches & denominations and the society. They continuously organize prayer for nearly 6 months for the blessing of thousands upon thousands; they raise funds and sponsorships; they take care of the logistics and arrangements for the persons from other cities to stay during the days of the meeting.
Expenses: Training Prayer Intercessors & Counsellors, Publicity, Promotions, ground preparation, stage erection, pandals, bore wells, printing, sound, lighting system, crew transportation, ministry crew, food and accommodation for the entire team, including volunteers and staff for all the days of their stay along with live broadcasting and webcasting, computers, internet access, and other technology related costs, media, etc..
If in a small town, it would cost us around Rs. 50 lakhs ($ 60,000), if in an urban area, it would cost us about Rs.70 lakhs ($ 85,000) and if in a metropolitan city, it would cost us around Rs.1.25 crores ($ 152,000) approximately.
Upcoming Prayer Festivals: In the coming days, we have proposed to conduct Jesus Calls Blessing Meetings, Students’ Prayer Meetings and Prayer Festivals in Ranchi (Jharkhand), Raipur (Chhattisgarh), Khammam (Telangana), Chennai (3 meetings), Bethesda (Karunya Nagar), Madurai, Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu), Pathanamthitta (Kerala), Jagdalpur (Chattisgarh), Dimapur (Nagaland), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Mangaluru (Karnataka), Bengaluru, New Delhi and Darjeeling (West Bengal).
We invite you to involve in this Divine mission and act as the Lord directs you.
We pray that the Lord will bless your generous heart and prosper all your efforts (Psalm 1:3).